Growing Up Johnny
A 1950’s World – Safe Unto Itself
Johnny Jackson was born in Cleveland Heights August 30th, 1948 and grew up the middle child of seven in the northeastern hamlet of Hudson, Ohio. It was a time and a place where every young boy and girl should grow up. A 1950’s world safe unto itself which, if you can believe it, actually encouraged kids to roam freely and play to their innocent hearts’ content outdoors under the sun ’til the clang from mom’s dinner bell summoned them home every evening at 5:30.
There were no distractions, the pace was unhurried…perfect really…and everything was just right. Better yet, rock and roll began banging out the background music which lifted youthful exuberance to a level North America has never known since. “I would not trade my days as a kid for anyone’s, nor would any of my friends. It wasn’t just good, it was great!”
A Christmas Morning Memory
Johnny Writes:

Christmas Morning 1958
Johnny’s New Workbench
“As a kid, I always loved making small stuff in my father’s basement wood shop, i.e. spice racks, boxes to bury dead animals in, toy guns, knives and spears, etc. John C. Jackson Sr had skills, too, and would have much preferred an artisan’s lifestyle over his “mad man” career in Cleveland if not for seven needy offspring.
As the story goes; on Christmas morning 1958 he led his 10 year old namesake [that would be me] down to the “cellar” and briskly pulled off an old army blanket covering an appropriately sized pine workbench he’d made special just for me. My jaw dropped to the concrete floor in complete surprise and astonishment. This was no play workbench, folks; this was the real deal!
A brand new Craftsman wood vice mounted solidly flush with a two-board-thick deck, a wide backboard with real tools hanging from clips and pegs, crosscut saws, hammers, screw drivers and chisels all gleaming by the light of bare incandescent bulbs slung from floor joists above. Soon after, dad also [bravely] taught me how to use his ’50’s Craftsman table saw.
The fact that I still have all ten fingers is a testament to the quality of his instruction, too. These moments are indelible and to this day, I still use that workbench, those shiny tools and his old Craftsman 10” tilting arbor saw. My father died young at 56 during my Freshman year at PCA. Regrettably, he missed every step of my career in wood working, too.”
A Young Johnny Jackson in the News
Tribe ‘Hall of Fame’ Exhibit In Hudson
Display is Work of Two Local Boys

JOHN JACKSON SITS BY ANXIOUSLY awaiting word from Tim Weidman that their call to Bob Feller got through. The boys are hoping the former Indians star pitcher will agree to visit their Hall of Fame this weekend.
While the activities of their boys may be trying at times, two Hudson mothers need not worry about their sons being involved in any juvenile delinquency.
The boys in question are John Jackson and Tim Weidman, sons of Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson. 100 College street, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Weidman. 36 Baldwin street. The boys, both of which will start Junior High in the fall, are currently sponsoring their own Cleveland Indians Hall of Fame.
THE HALL OF FAME idea first popped into Tim’s mind last winter. His first plan was to have a general baseball hall of Fame. After talking with John. Tim decided to narrow the display down to the Cleveland Indians.
Since January, Tim and John have spent their space time making drawings, signs and gathering baseball equipment.
THE HALL OF FAME exhibit, which opened Sunday. July 17, is in the garage at the Weidman home. Sunday. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of this week interested Hudson area residents visited the unusual display room. Ten cents admission is charged, all proceeds going to the United Fund.
Today and tomorrow from 2:30 to 5 p.m. the boys will continue to have their Hall of Fame open to the public. As added attractions, free lemonade will be served, a ball autographed by the Indians will be given as a door prize, and baseballs autographed by Bob Feller will be given away.
TIM AND JOHN were busy earlier this week trying to get Feller to come to the Hall of Fame today or tomorrow. Although his schedule would not allow for a trip to Hudson, the former Cleveland player did promise to send the autographed baseballs.
The Hall of Fame consists of pictures and baseball equipment relating to the history of the tribe. Two pictures in particular depict the line drive which seriously injured Herb Score in 1957 and the crucial fifth game of the 1920 World Series.
If nothing else, visitors will get 10 cents worth of chuckles when they see Cleveland groundskeeper Emil Bossard’s equipment stacked in a corner of the room.

The Hudson Hornets, Top Class F Team
Hudson Hornets, Top Class F Team
THE HUDSON HORNETS, top team in the Greater Akron Baseball Federation, Class F, Little League, took time out for a team picture before a tournament game recently. The HORNETS won 12 and lost 1. during regular season play.
Shown top row, I. to r. are: John Jackson, Jim Bobinchek, Paul Bartlo, Bill Roney, and Chris Ensign. Middle row, I. to r. are: Phil Snyder, Jim Sprague, Dan Lewis, and Jeffrey Camp. Front row, I. to r. are: George Shepard, Barry Hunter, Tim Weidman, and Dan MacLellan.
Absent were Jim Scolaro, Jim Bidell, and Jerry Sanders. The HORNETS are managed and coached by Dave Clark and Dick Hartz. Diane Clark is scorekeeper and the team’s most loyal supporter.